International Meeting on Ecology for Books

The City of Strasbourg, in partnership with the University of Strasbourg and the Grand Est Region, is organising the International Meeting on Ecology for Books (RIEL) that will close Strasbourg’s year as UNESCO World Book Capital, by exploring the links between ecology and the book chain. This meeting, planned as early as the label application stage, is emblematic of the ‘Lire pour la Planète’ (Reading for the Planet) programme, which made Strasbourg’s project stand out. Held from 15 to 16 April 2025 at the University of Strasbourg, these free, eco-labelled days are open to everyone and will offer a rich programme put together by a scientific committee of national and international experts.

What to expect ? 

Two days of themed events bringing together scientists and personalities of renown, a dozen round tables, the Ecology Novel Prize ceremony with the finalists, and a final round table focusing on the role of artists and writers in the ecological transition.

The conference will be broadcast live with simultaneous translation.


see the program 

Our partners 

We warmly thank our partners and contributors for their commitment to these meetings : 

  • Institutional partners : University of Strasbourg, Grand Est Region
  • Scientific Committee (bringing together national and international experts) : 

Alliance Internationale des Éditeurs Indépendants : Laurence Hugues, director

Association pour l'écologie du livre : Mélanie Mazan

Commission Bibliothèques Vertes nationale /Association des Bibliothécaires de France : Julie Curien 

Fédération des Éditions Indépendantes : Albert de Petigny 

Ministry of Culture : Hanna Toraubully, Eva Carlin

La charte des auteurs et illustrateurs jeunesse : Claire Lecoeuvre, Céline Benabes, Diana Semaska

Sponsor of the label : Christophe Rioux

Société des gens de lettres : Patrice Locmant

Syndicat de la librairie française : Laura de Heredia and Pauline Hamet

Syndicat national de l'édition (SNE) - Karen Politis Boublil, Hélène Conand

  • Actors of the book sector : publishers, booksellers, librarians and researchers committed to book ecology
  • Audience and participants: all those taking part in these discussions to build a more sustainable future for books
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                                                                           The RIEL will be certified as an eco-friendly event

The eco-friendly event commitment charter is a tool supported by the EMeRGE network branches across the Grand Est region. This support, recognized by a label, enables event organizers to strengthen and highlight their eco-responsible approach. The label is based on three levels, depending on the extent of the eco-friendly actions implemented, ensuring the seriousness and commitment of the initiative.